• 10 years ago
Fergus Keenan explains why the Thermo Scientific iCAP Q ICP Mass Spectrometer is an ideal instrument for any environmental or food safety testing lab. The iCAP Q offers ultra-flexibility and extreme sensitivity to detect trace elements such as chromium and arsenic. Learn how labs are coupling ion chromatography with the iCAP Q ICP-MS driven by Chromeleon software to enable testing of drinking water and beverages required to meet stringent EPA and other government regulations. Visit https://www.thermoscientific.com/icapq or view a related application note http://www.thermoscientific.com/content/dam/tfs/ATG/CMD/cmd-support/icap-q/scientific-resources/application-notes/IC-ICP-MS-speciation-analysis-of-As-in-apple-juice-using-the-iCAP-Q-ICP-MS.pdf
