• 10 years ago
Investigating glycans as disease markers and antibody-based biopharmaceuticals just got easier with the introduction of the Thermo Scientific GlycanPac AXR-1 LC column. Ilze Birznieks talks about achieving greater resolution of glycans using HPLC and providing easier profile characterization. Now researchers can accomplish challenging separations of glycans and glycan isomers. See the Pittcon 2014 presentation on Bioanalytical Separations at http://ca.pittcon.org/Technical+Program/tpabstra14.nsf/Agenda+Time+Slots+Web/EA9F59312977584D85257BC200090263?Opendocument or learn more at http://www.thermoscientific.com/en/product/glycanpac-axh-1-glycan-analysis-column.html
