Hong Kong protest leaders repeat calls for electoral reform

  • 10 years ago
ROUGH CUT (No reporter narration)

Protest leaders on the streets of Hong Kong on Wednesday (October 1) renewed their calls for Chief Executive C.Y. Leung to resign and for constitutional reform deliberations to restart.

There was little sign of momentum flagging on the fifth day of the student-led protest, whose aim has been to occupy sections of the city, including around the Central financial district, in anger at a Chinese decision to limit voters' choices in a 2017 leadership election.

Occupy Central co-founder Chan Kin-Man called on the government to listen to their demands.

"We all want to end this occupation as soon as possible. But who can end this occupation? I believe it is the government. If they can give a sincere answer to our questions, to our demands, I believe that the occupation will end. I believe that the occupation will end. That is, C.Y. Leung has to step down immediately. And then give Hong Kong an opportunity to discuss about constitutiona