G | 1h 22min | Action, Western | 11 September 1968 (France)
Jack Nicholson stars in this timeless cult classic, written and produced by Nicholson this western tells the tale of how an innocent man becomes an outlaw.
Wes, Vern and Otis are three cowhands on the way to a cattle drive. Coming upon what is to be an omen of their future... an outlaw hung by a group of vigilantes...the trio finds shelter at a cabin, only to discover that their "hosts" are men who have robbed a stagecoach and killed the guard. When an avenging posse attacks the cabin, Wes and Vern escape, only to find that they have become branded as 'outlaws' by the posse, who relentlessly pursue them.
Director: Monte Hellman
Writer: Jack Nicholson
Stars: Jack Nicholson, Cameron Mitchell, Millie Perkins, Harry Dean Stanton
We have over 15,000 titles available for licensing to VOD platforms. Contact: sales@echelonstudios.us
Jack Nicholson stars in this timeless cult classic, written and produced by Nicholson this western tells the tale of how an innocent man becomes an outlaw.
Wes, Vern and Otis are three cowhands on the way to a cattle drive. Coming upon what is to be an omen of their future... an outlaw hung by a group of vigilantes...the trio finds shelter at a cabin, only to discover that their "hosts" are men who have robbed a stagecoach and killed the guard. When an avenging posse attacks the cabin, Wes and Vern escape, only to find that they have become branded as 'outlaws' by the posse, who relentlessly pursue them.
Director: Monte Hellman
Writer: Jack Nicholson
Stars: Jack Nicholson, Cameron Mitchell, Millie Perkins, Harry Dean Stanton
We have over 15,000 titles available for licensing to VOD platforms. Contact: sales@echelonstudios.us
Short filmTranscript
00:01:00Come ahead
00:01:04Any time now, oh damn carbuncle you ought to take care of that Edgar
00:03:00Don't move any of you damn fool. I'm here
00:03:11You all right Adam outside
00:06:54Don't know about that grove Yanni don't like Indians might be I don't know let's take it cautious
00:07:04We could go around
00:07:06But every time that old wellhead of yours get skittish. Why don't you put a martingale on? We'll just go easy
00:07:15Chances are if it was they would have wrote out
00:09:02Do three days Oh
00:09:07Yeah, something like that this ain't no country to be set afoot
00:09:15Man gets hung
00:10:09We far enough away from that human fruit to suit you Mercer
00:10:41Dick come on out
00:10:53Buses ready three men coming this way three
00:10:57What are they Hank is that all you seen well three is all I've seen I don't think of that no pussy ain't for three
00:11:09Now old Edgar here don't wanna go no hard riding tonight
00:11:14Now I figure we'll wait on these old boys right engine
00:11:18Don't need running from those three range bombs
00:11:21No, ain't no hands gonna give us trouble. I
00:11:24Figured we let a bear down. He has all if he won't Joe you and the hag might get up above there
00:11:32Covered just in case
00:11:35But it looks clear come on down
00:11:45No need taking no chances right dick, uh-huh Edgar you sit right over there like you been
00:11:59Might need some range whenever you think it's clear
00:12:21Go blind dick
00:13:24Where you boys head
00:13:26Waco Waco
00:13:29Texas boys Cal hands. Are you that's right
00:13:36Coming from up north. Yeah in two weeks since P River. Oh
00:13:47Long ride yet to Waco
00:13:53Well now you boys might like to cut a little trail dust out of your necks, huh
00:13:59Why don't you step down and have a snort with me and old Edgar?
00:14:03That's there's no tail on you. Willa boy. Oh, no, not that I know of much obliged
00:14:13Think miss yours Edgar burn wet
00:14:18Call me blind dick on the count of one eye
00:14:25There's a rope corral around the side there you going with him
00:15:19What else it's a trail with Crawfield C bar
00:15:25Heading back there, huh? No
00:15:37Just the three of you
00:15:43Five of you. Yeah
00:15:46You weren't in any
00:15:49Coyote up around the P
00:15:52Two or three
00:16:23Just tell him Otis and Vernie or how Adam fell on his knives what's wrong with him?
00:16:33Have a snort
00:17:04Boys welcome some of these vittles now lodged
00:17:10These men's I'm gonna bed down for the night Edgar
00:17:19Hold in boys
00:17:27Boys I want you to meet Otis burn and
00:17:32wet wet Joe and boys
00:17:37Do you get any boys?
00:17:42No, no, we didn't get
00:17:44Two droppings. That's all we seen
00:17:49Well beans and biscuits is here I'll be fine. Thank you
00:18:20There's a bunch on a scout if ever I seen any ain't no five ever rode the line out of that shack
00:18:27We could run for it. What for?
00:18:30They don't want no trouble. We don't want no trouble
00:18:38How about fell on his knife, yeah
00:18:41That's a Lulu
00:18:44No, they figure we just cowhands passing through as all
00:18:48We are
00:18:53They won't start
00:18:57They seen us coming sure they could have picked us off easy if they wanted
00:19:08I can rabbit ain't that one?
00:19:15Maybe you want to try and bring him in. Oh, wait, maybe you do burn
00:19:41Will be lighting out tomorrow. I'm ready right now. Go ahead
00:20:00We'll be leaving Adam
00:20:11Know what's up around Wardale. I'll be good for us
00:20:15They know we ain't no cowhands
00:20:18You're too worried boys. I'd have picked them off original
00:20:22They don't want no trouble going to Waco's all they are
00:20:38Make up pretty good mesh beans. I didn't mind it
00:20:43Maybe you two ought to throw in with this punch. Oh
00:20:46She was a softer line what I got
00:20:51Except I ain't anxious to wind up trimming the tree like the one we seen I'll be pleased to part company myself
00:21:04Think we ought to put a watch on
00:21:07No, we'll leave early
00:21:10You think they'd do something for that Adam?
00:21:16What they gonna do wonder if this spreads got any riders up this way you'll be light now just like us tomorrow
00:21:29I think
00:21:40Well, you gonna hook up see bargain don't know I
00:21:48Was wondering it's a good outfit
00:21:52How about you with no?
00:21:54Johnny Kane might be
00:21:59Didn't seem much to me. That's the way you've seen it burn
00:22:17Ever think about trying for spread of your own
00:22:19You never get nothing drove I've been doing it a while now sound like you want to squat
00:22:28You ought to throw in with this bunch with you'd do all the riding you want better than being afoot
00:22:35He's got one there
00:22:40Don't seem crazy to me
00:22:46Don't seem crazy to me
00:22:50You start now where you'd have something I know it ain't crazy
00:22:59I'm gonna think about it as soon as we get out of here tomorrow
00:23:32Ain't it some town south of here?
00:23:35Yeah junction there to South Sierra Junction
00:23:40Is that the one I mean got a place called Golden Nugget in there? What don't?
00:23:46It's either that Golden Nugget or silver dollar ever placed between here and roses cantina
00:23:52Why nothing you fixing to stop off? I was wondering if it was the one you got something in there
00:24:03Mentioned a saloon and you start to dancing around. I
00:24:07Ain't even gonna get started with you this morning burn
00:24:35Ready to hit it I
00:24:42Any time now
00:25:24Don't know
00:25:29They still there
00:25:36You'd think them fools would have been
00:25:47You're surrounded
00:25:48Damn, Victor. Don't make trouble for yourself
00:25:52You got no chance
00:25:57What do we do dick
00:25:59We'll have to make our play right here. What do you want with us?
00:26:03Right. Here's where they'll hang us
00:26:05Throw out your weapons. Come on out now
00:26:09Well, we'll open fire
00:26:12You got no chance
00:26:25We won't wait forever
00:26:34We'll open fire on three
00:27:29Don't go slow keep the three options down and concentrate fire on the shot
00:28:14We gotta get out
00:28:24Kills is our only chance
00:28:29Where do they go either on foot? Oh we got
00:28:36A long day
00:29:37You want to try and ride through oh, who's horses to get us into the hill
00:29:49Then where are we somewheres else? I'm sitting here waiting to get shot
00:29:55Well, they do it running back and forth look like
00:30:37Ain't going nowhere with that
00:31:20They ain't going anywhere's up there Fisher
00:31:28We got to get the rest of them smoked out before dark Sam try and get up above the shack
00:31:35Ward take some of your bunch and track the two that went up the canyon now. Don't take chances. Just strike them. They're killers
00:34:51Hope they follow us
00:34:55Not me we wasn't doing nothing damn it, come on Wes
00:35:01The hell's the matter with you
00:35:04Nothing's the matter. Come on Wes. Where to I
00:35:13Don't give a damn Wes that hang you just the same with Otis dead ain't nothing else to it. Come on
00:36:14Throw down your gun and come out
00:36:18You have no chance there's men above you
00:36:23We're gonna burn you out
00:36:28What do you say
00:36:34All right, your last chance
00:40:27Got anything to say
00:41:30We can't just keep going up
00:41:36Gotta get down off here
00:41:42I'm vigilantes know that
00:41:44They ain't a plan Wes
00:41:47They burned down my hoot out
00:41:50Probably strung up by now
00:41:53They knowed we couldn't get over this
00:42:01I'm not gonna hang Vern
00:42:03I'm not gonna hang Vern
00:42:10Boy they think burn them out
00:42:15No chances
00:42:18They figured we couldn't get over this so as we'd come to them just like the others done probably marking
00:42:25trail behind us
00:42:30Most of them is probably down at that neck top part for a while
00:42:35We gotta try to go around her through
00:43:21You all right
00:43:23Did you see him must be only three or four up here
00:43:33Lost my spurs
00:43:41You get on down tell Quint they're moving west across the face do you think you wing one of them?
00:43:46And we'll just stay low till they box ourselves in
00:43:49Begin to get chilly up here a couple hours
00:43:51I'd say this pair of birds with Twix to rock in a hard place. All right
00:44:21I tell me tell your mother. I'll be alone
00:46:08Thank you Lord for this food, we're your humble servants and we're grateful for your bounty. Amen
00:46:45Very good tasty
00:47:08Afraid to look at him
00:47:10We've got to keep going with
00:47:13They track us easy in daylight out in the open. I can't walk much further
00:47:30Was up all night I figure
00:47:33Boy, they bushwhacked us this morning
00:47:36We get some horses. I think we're out of it burned
00:47:42If there was a town around here we can't go in no town I know
00:47:49But if there's a town nearby there's got to be nesters or a small ranch or something
00:47:56You figure we lost
00:48:00I figure we got to find a place to hide for the Sun comes up tomorrow. This ain't it
00:48:08The shame do all this walking for nothing
00:48:18You're one day ahead of the game already better blisters and neck burns, come on
00:48:55Can we have a word with you
00:48:59Stay here haven't be careful
00:49:01What can I do for you? We're part of the citizens vigilance committee neighbor you seen anything
00:49:08Peculiar out here. You're the only thing I seen today outside of my family and a stump
00:49:13It's two killers loose out here a part of a gang. We got all but these two strung them up today
00:49:19They headed this way. I
00:49:21Think they're going to the town. I
00:49:24Think they're going to the town. I
00:49:26Think they're going to the town. I
00:49:28Strung them up today headed this way. No telling they're on foot one might be wounded
00:49:36All right, we take a look at your stable there step down
00:49:42Can I offer you a man coffee I got a jug of corn whiskey inside, that'd be fine. Thank you after we look around Abigail
00:49:53Bring out the corn whiskey
00:50:29Thank you, Abby
00:50:35This is my daughter Abigail
00:50:40Evening miss
00:50:59Well, uh, I guess they ain't here
00:51:19Would you care to come inside? Oh
00:51:22No, thank you. We'll go along now got a track these birds down
00:51:27Blights for the drink and
00:51:30Pleasure meeting you miss obliged
00:52:01Little piece ain't you right? I'll be getting back this away, I believe
00:52:56Don't make a sound hear me sit down. Yeah. Oh
00:53:15You just sit down
00:53:26Sit there real quiet
00:53:31You'll be fine
00:53:35We don't aim to hurt nobody
00:53:46Pretty good alarm
00:54:02Pardon the way we sound down, but you see we ain't had since yesterday morning
00:54:12That's good
00:54:19May I prepare the food
00:54:22Sure, you just go on like it wasn't here
00:54:37Good for us. They come by last night
00:54:44What's the matter
00:54:46nothing, I
00:54:49Just trying to
00:54:51Trying to figure out
00:54:54What way to run
00:54:56Would you like some coffee?
00:54:59What you blinds?
00:55:09It's a pretty big stump out there
00:55:14What's funny
00:55:27Think I'm in
00:55:30Abigail fetches him for dinner. When's that usual when it grubs ready? So
00:55:41They track us here we ain't got a chance it's gonna be a long left day as is about you going on
00:55:50Mean we ought to take the horses now
00:55:53Them vigilantes is spread all over this country
00:55:57Good night. It's ready. The food's ready
00:56:01All right
00:56:03Now she goes on out. That's what she usually does. I'm sure
00:56:10You do what you done before I'd be fine
00:56:14Do like they say
00:56:19Mother will be in here
00:56:38She's there dinner Bob. Thank you Abby. Tell your mother I'll be alone
00:56:45She's coming back you sit right there, ma'am
00:56:55Fine I forgot the washup
00:56:59Answer yes, pop. Where's my washup? Tell him you get it
00:57:10I'm sorry, I I'll get it
00:57:15What's going on inside there with you women
00:57:45What's the matter with you, I'm sorry I forgot
00:58:37Got something I'm done with all night. This here might be all day. Most of us are
00:58:45It might not have come out of those mountains
00:58:48What do you want to do
00:58:51What are you gonna do if they didn't come out between here and the narrows and they either not coming out or
00:58:58got over
00:58:59Or slip through
00:59:01Let me go right on ahead to that squatters and get a meal Roy told me about that meal
00:59:06What does he know? I'll join you when you catch up that all right with you, but sure shape your end
00:59:12You ain't seeing nothing go on
00:59:14We'll all back in after the day
00:59:20Aren't you gonna eat Evan? What do you want with us nothing?
00:59:26Just don't want no trouble listen mister we didn't do nothing
00:59:31Your horse thieves, you know that
00:59:34You can't just come here taking my stock
00:59:37What do I have? How will I work?
00:59:41I'm going out and look at the horses before I
00:59:46Want to see him? What if someone comes riding by they ain't gonna see me
00:59:51You keep him in here. I'll take her out with me. Well, what do you want with her? Don't think I'm him
00:59:58There's ain't no social Wes. You said it was all right. I won't take her. No, I'll go ahead take
01:00:06Come on
01:00:10All I'm doing is looking at your horses
01:00:19That's all mister I
01:00:23Understand how you feel I
01:00:26Don't blame you
01:00:28We ain't outlaws. We ain't
01:00:31You just sit tight a couple of days
01:00:34I'll be back
01:00:40Hours and then we'll be gone
01:00:44Don't make no trouble is what's best for all of us
01:01:27Not bad animals
01:01:39Don't say much
01:01:50I was getting a little cabin fever
01:01:59You like it here can we go in
01:02:04Why my father don't like it if I talk to strangers he don't mean nothing to me
01:02:17They're gonna hang us you think that's right
01:02:22Ain't up to me
01:02:27You just do what it's right with your paws all you care about I can't say
01:02:42How old are you
01:02:4518 I reckon
01:02:48You want to steal our stock I think my problem
01:02:53Tell them vigilantes. They're the ones it's the wrong thing to do
01:02:58What's right? Hang?
01:03:02Tell me
01:03:05Kill the best friend I ever had
01:03:13We ought to go in
01:03:21Say that's
01:03:40You gonna eat that
01:04:04Good horses as long as you get us out of this part of the country
01:04:10You can go out and beat that old stump to death. I won't have to hear it then I want to stay in here
01:04:15I want to stay in here.
01:04:17Go out.
01:04:19Don't be no trouble.
01:04:21Look better if you're out there working.
01:04:29Don't worry about them.
01:04:45He sure is on the peck.
01:05:03Of course he's on the peck.
01:05:05Stealing the horses is all we mean to him.
01:05:09Can't blame him.
01:05:11You mind I get some sleep, Vern?
01:05:17This is my bed.
01:05:19No, it's all right.
01:05:21No, go on.
01:05:41How long has he been going at that stump?
01:05:51Yesterday morning.
01:05:53You like it here?
01:05:55It's all right.
01:06:01How lonesome for a woman.
01:06:03Same as for a man.
01:06:05I reckon.
01:06:07Same to me what you do is lonesome.
01:06:17I guess you'd be right.
01:06:19I don't know.
01:06:21That man last night said they hang some of your bunch.
01:06:31It ain't my bunch, ma'am.
01:06:33What are you going to do, Vern?
01:06:37What am I?
01:06:39How you can go to sleep beats me anyway.
01:06:43Well, I guess I can't.
01:06:49You ladies got anything to do while you go on?
01:07:01Hey, Wes, what was that with you and Cain?
01:07:09I don't know.
01:07:11I don't know.
01:07:13I don't know.
01:07:15I don't know.
01:07:17I don't know.
01:07:19I don't know.
01:07:21I don't know.
01:07:23I don't know.
01:07:29Damn, what do you want to do, talk is all?
01:07:33It's better than sitting here all day listening to myself.
01:07:37I don't know.
01:07:41You wanna play checkers?
01:07:45You got any checkers?
01:07:47Yes, we do.
01:07:49Can we use them?
01:07:51The bar of the checkers.
01:08:19Stealer horses.
01:08:21What's the matter with you?
01:08:22There just don't seem to be no end to it.
01:08:26No use to that.
01:08:27Yeah, it strikes me peculiar just the same.
01:08:32What's that?
01:08:35Settin' here, playin' checkers.
01:08:39Well, there's a bunch of men out there lookin' to string us up.
01:08:45Why don't you put a tune to it?
01:08:49We're in the scout, boy.
01:08:53You can't cash in with that game.
01:08:57Gettin' strung up is better.
01:09:01Nobody's gonna just put a name to me and that's it.
01:09:06I'd like to take a whack at that stunt myself.
01:09:12Come on, play.
01:09:16I don't know.
01:09:18I'm gonna think about it.
01:09:20You never get nothin' drovin'.
01:09:24It's the less work I done on you, the better.
01:09:28I'm gonna think about it.
01:09:32I'm gonna think about it.
01:09:36I'm gonna think about it.
01:09:40I'm gonna think about it.
01:09:44I'm gonna think about it.
01:09:45I've been doin' the same work I done on a weekday since I was 4.
01:09:49Less'n I was sick.
01:09:51What's funny?
01:09:52They ain't playin' with us.
01:09:54They burned their mouths out.
01:09:59It's your move, Vern.
01:10:02I know it.
01:10:04You're horse thieves.
01:10:10Well, come on, play.
01:10:13Where have you been, Hatt, Vern?
01:10:15I moved already.
01:10:29He stopped.
01:10:31Let's see what he's doing.
01:10:33Nah, we ain't found him yet.
01:10:35Probably won't, we don't get him today.
01:10:39Where's your women from?
01:10:41I don't know.
01:10:43Bacon today.
01:10:45Bacon? Is that right?
01:10:53Well, I'm advance scouting.
01:10:55Main body's moving along this way.
01:10:57What the hell are they talking about, Vern?
01:10:59Well, the sodbusters are spilling the beans.
01:11:03Something the matter with you?
01:11:07You're acting mighty peculiar, for nothing's the matter.
01:11:13They're here.
01:11:15Yeah, that's what I thought.
01:11:17Where are they at in the house?
01:11:19They got the women. What are we gonna do?
01:11:21Now, you don't look at the house.
01:11:23You start pointing off behind me.
01:11:25I'm just gonna ease out of here and get some help.
01:11:27You act like you're giving me direction someplace,
01:11:29like I'm just passing through.
01:11:33Now, will I finish?
01:11:35Make him come out to you to find out what happened.
01:11:37Stall him.
01:11:41We gonna leave him go?
01:11:43Well, ain't no other way.
01:11:45Gunfire'd bring him down on us.
01:11:47Do us a favor.
01:11:49Thinking we're dumb enough to go for whatever it is.
01:11:55As soon as he's out of sight.
01:11:59Stay inside.
01:12:05Come on, let's go.
01:12:13Hey, stay out of there!
01:12:27They're taking our stock.
01:12:35Come on.
01:12:43Hold it right there!
01:12:55What do you think?
01:12:57Take two minutes, see if you can find out.
01:12:59Could be anything.
01:13:05Well, he's reloading.
01:13:07Come on!
01:13:35Yeah, yeah.
01:14:05Come on.
01:14:35Come on.
01:14:49We're sorry about this, ma'am.
01:14:51I hope you hang them.
01:14:53Don't worry. They've seen their last sunrise.
01:14:55One of them is shot.
01:14:57They won't get far now.
01:14:59Come on.
01:15:05Come on.
01:15:35Come on.
01:16:05Come on.
01:16:35Come on.
01:16:51Let me down.
01:16:53No, we can't, Byrd.
01:16:57I ain't going.
01:17:05I bought it, Wes.
01:17:07Go on.
01:17:11Go on, you're wasting time.
01:17:13I can't just leave you.
01:17:15You have to do that, boy.
01:17:19Can't you see that?
01:17:21Go on.
01:17:35Come on.
01:18:05Come on.
01:18:35Come on.
01:19:05Come on.
01:19:17We've got him now.
01:19:35Come on.
01:20:05Come on.
01:20:35What about the other one?
01:21:05Come on.
01:21:35Come on.