RAW CCTV: Ghost walks outside police station Cops Spooked By Ghost at Police Station

  • 10 years ago
Caught on camera: 'Ghost' walks outside police station

Officers at a police station in New Mexico believe they are dealing with more than just criminals. One cop at the post in Espanola believes he came in contact with a ghost on Saturday night - and has video evidence

Ghost' walks outside police station in New Mexico,Ghost caught on camera at Espanola police station, officer says,New Mexico police say they caught a ghost on camera,Police Officer Believes Ghost Is Haunting Station,Police in New Mexico believe they have footage of ghost on camera,Police: 'Ghost' caught on surveillance video,Police Video Ghost Walking Through Secure Fenced Yard,Ghost caught on camera at NM police station,Ghost-like figure caught on police video,Ghost Videos,

Ghost-Like Figure Shows Up On Police Station Video | New Mexico, Espanola Police Station Ghost Caught On Tape | Ghost Caught On Camera at Espanola Police Station | Cops Spooked By Ghost at Police Station
Ghost-Like Figure Shows Up On Police Station Video | New Mexico, Espanola Police Station Ghost Caught On Tape | Ghost Caught On Camera at Espanola Police Station | Cops Spooked By Ghost at Police Station
Ghost-Like Figure Shows Up On Police Station Video | New Mexico, Espanola Police Station Ghost Caught On Tape | Ghost Caught On Camera at Espanola Police Station | Cops Spooked By Ghost at Police Station

Officers at a police station in New Mexico believe they are dealing with more than just criminals.

One cop at the post in Espanola believes he came in contact with a ghost on Saturday night - and has video evidence to prove it.

Officer Karl Romero was stationed in the surveillance room monitoring the CCTV cameras when he noticed something moving in the gated area.

Romero claims that a spirit-like creature could be seen moving across a sally port, which is a controlled entryway completely sealed off.
