Meet The Chinese Combat Robot Crab Walker

  • 10 years ago
The design for a military vehicle with legs modeled after a crab has been published by researchers in China. Dai Jinsong and other Chinese engineers from the School of Mechanical Engineering at the Nanjing University of Technology are working on developing a walking robot armed with a huge autocannon.

The design for a military vehicle with legs modeled after a crab has been published by researchers in China.

Dai Jinsong and other Chinese engineers from the School of Mechanical Engineering at the Nanjing University of Technology are working on developing a walking robot armed with a huge autocannon.

The researchers also posted their design on the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, the country’s biggest library online.

If it were built according to the design that was published, the crab walker would measure around 18 feet long, with eleven movable legs to carry the vehicle over rough terrain that other military vehicles with wheels can’t reach.

The most recent design for the crab walker is the third report that has been published, each with improvements on the last.

One report says the design of the vehicles legs would limit its speed, indicating that it might be suited for nearby fire support to help Chinese infantry troops in urban or mountainous environments.

According to the researchers, during simulated tests “the frame body can walk smoothly and achieve a left turn, walk straight, turn right, and other functions.”

The United States military also has a similar project for a walking robot called the “Big Dog.”