Obama: U.S. and Arab partners are committed to destroying Islamic State


by Reuters


STORY: U.S. President Barack Obama met with leaders from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE in New York City on Tuesday (September 23) to continue building support for the coalition fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

"Well it is a wonderful opportunity for me to welcome these leaders, friends partners from the region and to say thank you to all of them for their participation and commitment to rolling back the violent extremism that has so disrupted Iraq and Syria and threatens the region as a whole," Obama said.

Earlier in the day, Mr. Obama vowed to continue the fight against Islamic State fighters following the first U.S.-led airstrikes targeting the militant group in Syria, and pledged to build even more international support for the effort.

Obama said the strength of the coalition, now at more than 40 countries, including five Arab states that took part in Tuesday's air campaign, shows the fight