Study Predicts More 9.0 Megaquakes For Pacific Ring Of Fire

  • 10 years ago
According to a recent scientific study, certain areas around the Pacific Ocean’s Ring of Fire might experience intense earthquakes over magnitude 9.0, also called megaquakes. The results of the study show that megaquakes can occur in certain kinds of earthquake zones an average of every ten thousand years.

According to a recent scientific study, certain areas around the Pacific Ocean’s Ring of Fire might experience intense earthquakes over magnitude 9.0, also called megaquakes.

The results of the study show that megaquakes can occur in certain kinds of earthquake zones an average of every ten thousand years.

Researchers came up with computer model simulations to predict future seismic activity and also consulted historical data.

Co-author of the study, Yufang Rong, a seismologist at the Center for Property Risk Solutions of FM Global, is quoted as saying: "Can we know the exact, absolute maximum magnitude? The answer is no, however, we developed a simple methodology to estimate the probable largest magnitude within a specific time frame."

The primary areas of study were subduction zones where a geological plate is moving underneath another one.

At one time, experts didn’t believe that such locations were capable of producing high-level quakes, but were proven wrong.

One example of a devastating unexpected megaquake happened in 2011, causing the tsunami that triggered the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan.

The study from experts at FM Global, the University of California, Los Angeles, and Oregon State University shows that the less frequent, higher magnitude earthquakes can still happen in these zones.

Buildings in subduction zones were designed to withstand the highest expected magnitude earthquakes, but not disasters at the Fukushima level, which the study predicts could occur again.