September 11 anniversary marked as Islamic State threat looms


by Reuters

For some, the sounds of sirens alone are enough to evoke the memories.

And the sight of smoke can choke the heart.

Thirteen years after al Qaeda attacked the United States, the pain remains.

In what has become an annual ritual, politicians, dignitaries and victims' relatives gathered in New York, at the Pentagon and in rural Pennsylvania.

From Gordon Aamoth Jr. to Igor Zukelman, victims' names were read in lower Manhattan where the World Trade Center's twin towers once stood.

During a private ceremony at the Pentagon, President Barack Obama said no attack could stop America.


"Thirteen years after small, hateful minds conspired to break up, America stands tall and America stands proud. And guided by values that sustain us, we will only grow stronger."

The anniversary comes as the U.S. faces what Obama calls an increasing danger.

He announced Wednesday night an aerial bombing campai