Clyppi - The Best Nail Clipper For Hygiene

  • 10 years ago
The best fingernail clipper will help you to maintain a good hygiene today:

Just because you wash your hands often doesn’t mean that they’re perfectly clean and bacteria free.

Researchers have found that bacteria that causes vomiting and diarrhoea are often found under people's fingernails.

How does it get there?

It’s from changing diapers, poor bathroom hygiene and handling raw meat among other things.

It’s an even bigger hazard for health care professionals who sometimes walk around with potentially deadly viruses under their fingernails and can pass them from patient to patient.

I stress again that washing your hands isn’t enough to ensure the maximum cleanliness of your fingernails.

For people who really care about good hygiene it’s time to step it up by investing in a nail brush and a good nail clipper.

Clip your nails with the high precision Clyppi nail clipper regularly to achieve beautiful, short nails that give bacteria less surface area to hide under.

File nails with Clyppi’s built in nail file (integrated into the lever) to achieve perfectly smooth and scraggle free tips that give you a manicured look while also making nails safely blunt. Using a sharp, high precision, stainless steel nail clipper like Clyppi will also prevent tearing, splitting and cracking of nails which all give bacteria moist crevices to breed in.

Finally, use a nail brush, even a regular tooth brush is fine, to
scrub underneath the tips of your fingernails to get rid of any bacteria that lodged itself deep under the nail bed.

Get The Clyppi Nail Clipper Today On
