QUR'AN A MIRACLE: ONLY Book in World Memorized by MILLIONS ┇ TheDeenShow

  • 10 years ago

Points you will take away from watching this show:
1.The Quran Is a Book from the Creator to Humanity
2. The Quran is like no other book in the world.
3. Millions of people have memorized this book.
4,This book has solutions to all your problems.
5. How other books such as the Bible have been changed and corrupted
6. How to make it part of your life and much more.

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Look into Islam it is Truly a way of life sent by the Creator as a Mercy for all of mankind. Start today by earnestly asking your Maker to guide your heart to the truth.

Look beyond the hype and the false stereotypes and lies you've been told about Islam. Judge for yourself tune into TheDeenShow to really learn the truth about Islam and Muslims. Purpose of life ever Wonder?

Islam means submission to the Creator alone. Islam is the belief that there is only One God, whose proper name is Allah, which means the God.

Islam is the same message given to all the prophets, from Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and finally to the Prophet Muhammad, the last messenger (peace and blessings be upon them). They all brought the same message: worship only God, and stop worshipping human beings and their ideas.

Allah is the name of God in Arabic, Arab Christians use the word Allah.

Become a Muslim(Any Peaceful person who submits to the Creator alone) Now

If you believe there is only One God who should be worshipped, and no one/nothing else has that right but Him, and you believe Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a messenger who brought the same message as all the prophets before him, then you are basically a Muslim.

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