Celebrating Eid in Difficult Times ┇ TheDeenShow

  • 10 years ago
HAPPY EID!!! To everyone points that will be covered in this show

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1. What is EId
2.Why do we celebrate Eid
3.What are the practices of Eid
4.What do we do during the day of Eid
5.Innocent Children dying in Gaza and other parts of the world
6.Keeping the momentum going all year round
7.Join us and share don't forget to support the Dawah

"Do not let these dark events to stop you from celebrating Eid. It is our Islamic holiday and it is a day to be happy. Even people in Gaza are preparing for Eid. We will not let anyone or anything destroy our special God given day.

May the next Eid be celebrated in free Palestine and Syria.
May the next Eid be a celebration free from oppression, violence and persecution for Muslims all over the world. Ameen."

Eid Mubarak everyone! Here are some tips to make your Eid beneficial:

On this joyous occasion of the coming of Eid, lets not forget that as we celebrate, we worship. Eid is a day of prayer, remembrance, and establishing the ties of kinship/friendship. Its also a day of reflection. So here are a few tips to make your Eid a spiritually enriching experience:

1. Make it a point to get to the prayer on time

2. Make it a point to listen to the khutbah (especially if you're coming to the salah in Garland so you don't distract me

3. Remember Allah on the way to the Eid prayer with the takbeerat of Eid. Try to encourage your family to do the same. It is simply awesome to have a car rumbling with takbeerat on the way to Eid and the kids will love having a halal excuse to scream.

4. Go home using a different route as per the sunnah. This is a reflection of you coming in to Ramadan and leaving as a new person.

5. Take some sweets to your neighbors and explain to them why you’re celebrating. This is a crucial dawah opportunity as well as a means of fulfilling their essential rights upon us as neighbors which is a form of worship.

6. Don’t spoil your Ramadan by celebrating Eid in impermissible ways. Consider deeply the things that you wear, the parties you go to, etc. It would be a travesty to incur the anger of Allah upon us right after the month of forgiveness.

7. Give a gift to someone you love for Allah. We already know the importance of giving gifts to family but Eid also provides an opportunity to build a stronger bond with someone who makes you a better Muslim.

8. Sit with you're family and remind one another of the plight of your brothers and sisters worldwide. Thats not to bring the mood down, but rather to be grateful for your Eid in comfort and to serve as a reminder that prayer for our brothers and sisters shouldnt stop. May Allah allow them to see better days in this world and in the hereafter

With that being said, taqabalAllahu minna wa minkum (may Allah accept from us all)!!! By Sh.Omar Suleiman



