[Download eBook] Enemies at Home: A Flavia Albia Novel by Lindsey Davis

  • 10 years ago
Link: http://justamazinglife.com/enemies-home-flavia-albia-lindsey-davis-pdfepub/

Enemies at Home: A Flavia Albia Novel by Lindsey Davis

Publisher: Minotaur Books; First Edition edition (July 15, 2014)

“There are rules for private informers accepting a new case. Never take on clients who cannot pay you. Never do favours for friends. Don’t work with relatives. If, like me, you are a woman, keep clear of men you find attractive.

“Will I never learn?”

In Ancient Rome, the number of slaves was far greater than that of free citizens. As a result, often the people Romans feared most were the “enemies at home,” the slaves under their own roofs. Because of this, Roman law decreed that if the head of a household was murdered at home, and the culprit wasn’t quickly discovered, his slaves—all of them, guilty or not—were presumed responsible and were put to death. Without exception.
