[Download eBook] Distant Neighbors: The Selected Letters of Wendell Berry & Gary Snyder by Wendell Berry

  • 10 years ago
Link: http://justamazinglife.com/distant-neighbors-selected-letters-wendell-berry-gary-snyder-wendell-berry-pdfepub/

Distant Neighbors: The Selected Letters of Wendell Berry & Gary Snyder by Wendell Berry

Publisher: Counterpoint; 1St Edition edition (June 3, 2014)

In 1969 Gary Snyder returned from a long residence in Japan to the Sierra foothills, where he intended to build a house and settle with his wife and sons. He had just published his first book of essays, Earth House Hold. A few years before, Wendell Berry left New York City for farmland in Port Royal, Kentucky, where he built a small studio and lived with his wife. Berry had just published Long-Legged House. These two founding members of the counterculture had yet to meet, but they knew each other’s work and soon began a correspondence. Neither man could have imagined the impact their work would have on American political and literary culture, nor the impact they would have on one another.
