Hanagasa Junkō Parade, Gion Matsuri, 2014 in Kyoto.

  • 10 years ago
First in the parade where young taiko drummers followed by several youngsters carrying small mikoshi shrines. Then came the “Shinsen Gyōretsu (神饌行列)-Flower Hat Ladies”, who graciously passed us by. The Gion Taiko drum float (祇園太鼓) followed together with many smaller flowery shaped parasols. Kin gin shishi (金 銀獅子) roamed through the streets scaring the evil spirits. The young Uma-chō (馬長), young ladies on horse back, stood out because of their beautiful dress. More Gion bayashi music was performed by the Naginata Boko Bayashi Musicians. They were followed by the Hanagasa musume (花傘娘) or flower daughters.