Israeli killed as Tel Aviv and Hamas exchange fire

  • 10 years ago
Rocket fire from Gaza has claimed its first Israeli fatality in eight days of hostilities.

Israel and Hamas have again exchanged fire, with Tel Aviv claiming as many as 80 rockets have been launched towards the Jewish state. The renewed violence comes after Israel earlier gave the green light to an Egyptian led truce. Yigal Palmor. spokesperson of the Israeli Ministry of Freign Affairs outlined their position to euronews:

“Unfortunately the ceasefire is now non existent, but our commitment to continue to work with Egypt and with the international community on establishing a valid ceasefire is still on”.

“we need to put this violent round of rocket fire behind us and to find a long term solution to that rocket problem”.

Speaking from Jerusalem euronews reporter Valerie Gauriat gave some insight into what todays events mean:

“The truce is broken but the door doesn’t seem to have been completely closed by the Israeli government that says it wants to respect to international diplomacy. It remains to be seen if the Cairo talks will help to calm the situation”


