'Solar Tsunami' Confirms Voyager 1 In Interstellar Space

Geo Beats

by Geo Beats

NASA has announced that the Voyager 1 spacecraft, first launched in 1977, has reached interstellar space. Voyager 1 reportedly left the heliosphere of particles and magnetic fields around the sun in 2012, and now measurements taken by the Voyager 1 after solar eruptions show that it has traveled to another cosmic realm where our solar system thins out.

Based on new data, NASA has received further confirmation that the Voyager 1 spacecraft has reached interstellar space.

Voyager 1 reportedly left the heliosphere of particles and magnetic fields around the sun in 2012, and now measurements taken by the Voyager 1 after solar eruptions show that it has traveled to another cosmic realm.

By measuring the vibrations from two coronal mass ejections and the cruising speed of the spacecraft, scientists were able to calculate the position of the Voyager 1.

Data from a third solar eruption has confirmed the results of the previous calculations, which placed the spacecraft outside of the heliosphere.

Don Gurnett of the University of Iowa who serves as the principal investigator of Voyager 1's plasma wave instrument, is quoted as saying: "All is not quiet around Voyager. We're excited to analyze these new data. So far, we can say that it confirms we are in interstellar space."

A video from NASA shows the vibrations recorded by Voyager 1 that were sent back to Earth as sound.

The Voyager 1 was launched in September 1977. Even though it travels at about 1 million miles a day, it's taken it nearly 37 years to reach this far.