Supporters of beaten Florida teen demand justice


by Reuters


Family and friends of a Florida teenager of Palestinian descent who says he was beaten by Israeli police while in detention in Jerusalem described him on Monday (July 7) as a typical U.S. high school student.

Tariq Khdeir, age 15, recently finished his freshman year at the Universal Academy of Florida, a private Islamic school where he played on the soccer team. He earned the summer trip to visit relatives by receiving good grades in all of his classes, said his aunt, Sanah Abu Khdeir, during a press conference in Tampa, Florida that was sponsored by the non-profit Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

"I love him. This is our baby. Imagine if he was yours," said a tearful Abu Khdeir, 22, who lives near his family in central Florida. "It's really hard for me to see him receive that many blows to the head," she said in reference to the amateur video that reportedly captured his beating.

Tariq's cousin, Mohammed Abu Khudai