Cale Sampson - Conscious Revolution

  • 10 years ago
Cale Sampson is a conscious hip hop artist from Toronto, Canada. You may have heard this song on Mark Devlin's "The Sound of Freedom" radio show on The People's Voice a few months back.


Our entire universe is a giant organism
just like a human beings it's alive and living
with awareness of itself, everything within it
is made up of energy and that's what consciousness is

Every single person in existence are expressions of
this conscious energy that are different
limited to five senses, only able to perceive
a very narrow bandwidth of this reality

What you see in the mirror is not actually you
It's an illusion of perception that gets you confused
'cause what appears to be solid and what atoms make
is really 99.99[%] empty space

We're vessels consciousness uses as tools
to observe our freewill and gather knowledge through
and I know this probly sounds esoteric to you
but quantum physics has proven that it's actually true

We are powerful with unlimited potential
when we're in a state of love (a conscious revolution)
We are powerful with unlimited potential
when we're in a state of love (a conscious revolution)

The greatest discovery on planet Earth
is it has a consciousness governed by the univers
and it has its own pulse, its own heartbeat
that it shares with all biological living things

By disseminating down through waves and frequencies
which eventually converge in the brains of human beings
and now science has bridged the gap
that connects the physical and spiritual at last

Everyone has a surrounding field of energy
our hearts generate electro-magnetically
so the thoughts and emotions we feel within
shape the outer physical reality that we're in

This information has been known for ages
and was commonly taught by the Shamans and Sages
back in prehistoric ancient civilizations
by the Hopi, Apachi and Cherokee natives

And now a new awareness has taken place
as more and more people start to awaken
consciousness is evolving, we need to embrace it
stay centered in love, there's nothing to be afraid of


Throughout our whole lives we've been made to believe
that we're just little people who are powerless and weak
that we're insignificant in the higher scheme of things
but it's a lie - the opposite is reality

So don't believe the false history we've been taught
it's time to talk to our neighbors and turn the television off
take responsibility for our actions and thoughts
and realize the true potential that you've got

'Cause once you understand how energy works
you'll feel connected to each other and the Earth
and you'll listen to your heart when it's speaking to you
and start to do the right thing in all that you do

Our collective consciousness has to decide
to be in a state of live and no longer comply
so we're fully empowered, now step away from the fear
and start to lead by example - the revolution is here


Cale Sampson - Conscious Revolution
