Atheism is Unstoppable? Refuting an atheist douchebag

  • 10 years ago
An analysis and refutation to some claims made by Atheism-is- Unstoppable's channel. This douchebag needs a reality check. Life of Brian made him an atheist for God's sake! Just read his channel description, it's pretentious and is simply a polished up
version of the statement "You're wrong because I say so!" This is a guy who thinks everyone believes in God not for philosophical
reasons but because they're scared (a claim he has no evidence to back up). This alone, is enough to prove what a pseudo-intellect "Atheism-is-Unstoppable" is.


Atheism is Unstoppable, Atheism-is-Unstoppable, refute, atheists exposed, atheists refuted, dumbass atheist, douchebag, atheist douchebag, atheism fingers in ears, argument from numbers, disabled comments,
