Hacking Wagner 2012 by Saar Magal (Israel)

  • il y a 10 ans
HACKING WAGNER Saar Magal - Munich Opera Festival 2012
Der Ring des Nibelungen - Das Rheingold [The Ring of the Nibelung - The Rhine Gold]

The term ‘hacking’ refers to breaking a code: dismantling and recomposing, reverse-engineering to defeat the original purpose. In this piece, Hacking Wagner, we – the cast and the creative team, comprised of both Israeli and German performers and artists – take it on ourselves to hack icons, symbols, phenomena, ideas, social axioms, sacred cows, and all those ‘obvious’ things which have become mental habits, dictated by the powerful and by generations of institutional inertia.

The piece is a field of personal associations, a strain of a collective subconsciousness as regards to the Wagner issue and the peculiar Jewish – German cultural love affair which took place before the war, before the Holocaust and before all hell broke loose; a tense affair of love and hate that persists to this day.

“It has become increasingly clear to me that the ‘Wagner ban’ is not quite about Holocaust survivors, but a kind of social norm which the public enforces without giving it a second thought”.
“In this piece, we take it on ourselves to hack icons, symbols, phenomena, ideas, social axioms, sacred cows, and all those ‘obvious’ things which have become mental habits”.

More: http://wp.me/psr7b-2UO
