Dr. Sanjay Gupta Suggests Sleep As Means Of Weight Control

  • 10 years ago
According to medical celebrity Dr. Sanjay Gupta, sleep is among the most import things needed for a long life, and possibly even a smaller waistline.

“You need about seven hours sleep – those people out there who say they get by just fine on four or five hours, they don’t.” [CNN]

According to medical celebrity Dr. Sanjay Gupta, sleep is among the most important things needed for a long life, and possibly even a smaller waistline.

“This surprises a lot of people but when you don’t sleep enough you actually start eating more.” [CNN]

It’s unclear why people are more apt to want extra food when they’re not well rested, but it’s believed that the brain’s satiation center has a lot to do with it.

When it’s sleep deprived, it tends to increase its demand for some caloric comfort.

Of course, getting those much needed z’s isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

Dr. Gupta recommends that before hitting the pillow all mobile devices be powered down and the room temperature be between 68 and 72 degrees.

Getting one’s stress level under control is also important. Writing down troubles and worries, taking up a hobby, and exercising daily can all help.
