5 Things To Know About The Tea Party’s Golden Boy David Brat

Geo Beats

by Geo Beats

David Brat’s victory over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor for their district’s congressional seat came as a shock to many. Here are 5 things to know about the Tea Party’s golden boy.

"It looks like he's pulled off the upset of the political year." [CNN]

David Brat’s victory over Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor for their district’s congressional seat came as a shock to many.

Here are 5 things to know about the Tea Party’s golden boy.

Number 5. He won on a shoestring budget. He and his team only had 200 thousand dollars to work with compared to Cantor’s 5 and a half million.

Number 4. His day job is as a college economics professor. He teaches at Randolph-Macon College located just outside of Richmond, Virginia.

Number 3. Immigration reform was the deciding election issue. Brat follows a very hard anti-immigration line. Conversely, his opponent Cantor saw patches of gray area in the issue.

Number 2. Brat believes God put him in Congress. He said, "God acted through people on my behalf - it's an unbelievable miracle." Prior to getting a doctorate in economics, Brat attended Princeton University where he received a Masters in Divinity.

Number 1. He is a staunch supporter of the second amendment. During his campaign he made it clear he would stand in opposition of any attempt to confiscate guns or create a national registry for them.