Chelsea 3-5 Arsenal | Churchillian Wenger at AGM, Vermaelen and Arsenal away record | Premier League

  • 10 years ago
When Stan finally spoke at Arsenal's Annual General Meeting (AGM) it was worth the wait.

Forthright, honest and impassioned, it was exactly what you would expect from a man with a significant emotional and financial stake in the North London club.

"I've been coming for 30 years and that was probably the worst AGM I've ever attended. The club often talks about respect but there was a complete lack of respect shown today. It was awful."

That Stan was Stanley Salter, a long-term shareholder and Highbury veteran.

The other Stan, Stanley Kroenke, the majority shareholder and Emirates parvenu, also spoke at Thursday's meeting. It was...well, a bit underwhelming.

"I've been asked to say a few things," the 64-year-old American said coyly. "I'm not sure why but people seem to be interested."

What followed were about two minutes of polite small-talk -- believe me, I had a lot of offers but this was the only club for me; Arsene Wenger and the board make great decisions; my family loves London, you better get used to us -- but absolutely nothing an Arsenal fan could pin his or her hopes on for brighter days around the corner.

It was, in Salter's words, a disrespectfully vague statement from a man who had made only one previous visit to the club in the six months since he more than doubled his holding in Arsenal to become the de facto owner.

The fact that he had only just arrived from Denver, leaving no leeway for any delays, was also noted.

"Of course, we are interested in what you have to say," was the general response from the AGM audience. "But is that it?"

But by saying so little, mostly Silent Stan at least avoided antagonising anybody. If only club chairman Peter Hill-Wood had been so wise.

The 75-year-old businessman has been chairman for nearly 30 years. His father did it before him and his grandfather before that.

The Hill-Woods and Arsenal share a long and proud history -- and that is exactly where many at the meeting would like to leave it.

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