• il y a 10 ans
Rêves de murs

Cette exposition parle de rêves… De murs qui imaginent des portes bleues, en bois, abîmées par la vie, le soleil, les souvenirs… De murs qui rêvent, qui imaginent des Bougainvillées violets, mauves, roses qui grimpent le long des parois de pierre décrépites… De murs qui rêvent avec des fenêtres ouvertes sur la mer infinie… De murs avec des portes qui s’ouvrent et nous dévoilent leurs secrets, d’autres qui gardent le silence, closes, cadenassées… De façades qui rêvent et nous accompagnent tout au long de la vie…

Dreaming Walls

This exhibition is about dreams… Walls that dream with blue wooden doors, damaged by life, by the sun, by memories… Dreaming walls that dream about violet, mauve, pink Bougainvillea, that climb along the decrepit stone walls… Walls that dream with open windows on the open sea… Walls with doors opening onto secrets lives, others that keep silent, closed, locked with chains … Front walls that dream and go with us for life…

Paredes Soñadoras

Esta Exposición habla de sueños… Muros que imaginan puertas azules, de madera, desgastadas por la vida, por el sol, por los recuerdos… De paredes soñadoras, que imaginan Buganvillas de colores violetas, malvas, rosas, que trepan por los muros empedrados, angostos, encalados... Paredes que sueñan con ventanas que se escapan al mar infinito… Muros con puertas que se abren y nos descubren sus secretos, otras que guardan silencio, con herrajes, con candados… Fachadas que sueñan y nos acompañan toda la vida...

Marta Torres

Marta Torres lives and paints in Ibiza. She looks at a place, a piece of that place and, by an ingenious process translates it, sometimes at full size, to another space, a space mixing painting and sculpture., Marta Torres works are made with that reality, with artistic materials, building materials, with the light and the colour of a sea where the sun is pervading everything., It’s not possible not to talk of her mastering of textures, of the raw splashes that, little by little, configure her work with samples from nature: Ibiza earth, Mediterranean sand, branches and troncs of Sabinas, stones, doors, windows and shutters that open out of the painting to recall past moments and, also, to push you to go and see, and then better understand her art., The material as significant of a meeting between painting, sculpture and an authentic piece of reality. The title of the exhibition is not less interesting “Dialogue(s) de Pierres”. Here we are talking about daily, spontaneous dialogs. They say that dialog in a literary work helps to define characters. Here, when painting, Marta Torres defines with accuracy the voice of her characters in a manner that there are these voices which initiate a dialog between the art work and the viewer.
