Fading signals add urgency to search for missing Malaysian jet


by Reuters

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A Chinese Ilyushinaircraft returns to Perth International airport after another day fruitlessly searching for missing Malaysia airliner, which lost radio contact five weeks ago.

A massive international operation is combing a remote area of the southern Indian Ocean, where officials believe Flight MH370 crashed.

As these planes scour a large search zone, thousands of kilometres west of Australia, for possible floating debris, ships focus on a smaller area where signals have been picked up.

But Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the transmissions are rapidly fading.


"There have been numerous, numerous transmissions recorded, which gives us the high degree of confidence that this is the black box from the missing flight. What we're now doing, given that the signal from the box is rapidly fading, is trying to get as many detections as we can so that we can narrow the search area down