Britain's Queen bids farewell to Irish president

  • 10 years ago

STORY: President Michael Higgins, the first Irish head of state to make a state visit to Britain, has been given an official farewell at the Windsor Castle on Friday by Britain's Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Higgins, whose office is largely ceremonial, shook hands with the Queen at the Windsor Castle courtyard with guards of honour standing to attention nearby.

Higgins' visit crowns a big improvement in historically fraught relations between Dublin and its former colonial master.

Clashes over British-ruled Northern Ireland saw more than 3,600 killed from the 1960s onward until a 1998 peace deal largely ended the conflict between Catholic groups wanting the province to become part of the Irish republic and Protestant groups determined to keep it within the United Kingdom.

During his visit, Higgins addressed both houses of Britain's parliament on Tuesday (April 8), a privilege only accorded to a few foreign lea