Luis Chaluisan Rocker Roller Rican Trailer 2014

  • 10 years ago
Lifelong friends distribute Rocker Roller Rican
An excellent facet in my life are friends I have had in my life for thirty five years. Both gary Lee (amherst) and Tony Gonzalez (Orq. Espada) are sharing the Rocker Roller Rican Documentary with Cultural Centers in their respective cities Washington and Hartford. Thank You Lord. They've asked for a trailer. Maria Hernandez whipped this up this afternoon.

Rocker Roller Rican Billboard acquired by Village Court for display through the end of the year in their BC Talks Foruma bi-weekly event aimed at bringing awareness to residents of Wood County and surrounding areas

In other developments, the Rocker Roller Rican documentary is now permanently housed in the Connection Center "Drake Room" Multimedia Resource Center.

BG Community Support Grows For Luis Chaluisan "Rocker Roller Rican"
A gala reception is being organized to celebrate the Premiere of the Rocker Roller Rican documentary during Artwalk 2014 April 26, WBGU TV PBS in May and MNN NYC in June at the former site of MILTON'S Nightclub (now Grumpy Dave's) where Luis Chaluisan's LITTLE OTIS AND THE UPSETTERS held court from 1982-84. Invited guests of honor are long time BG residents/musicians/business owners Billy Hanway and Ron Wagner (Lead Guitar and Bassist of The Upsetters 1982-84)

William Schurk Sound Recordings Archivist BGSU Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives formally inducted Little Otis and the Upsetters (plus development of the Upsetters Repetoire by La Gran Orquesta El Extreme) in the Jerome Library Archives as being contributors to the NW Ohio Pop Culture scene by introducing Caribbean and Original Latin Tinge Alternative Rock 1982-84.
The Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives (ML/SRA) support curriculum in Music, Popular Culture, and American Culture Studies. With almost a million recordings, the Sound Recordings Archives represents the largest collection of popular music recordings in an academic library in North America. Our collections also include books, scores, and video formats covering music studies from multiple angles. We have something for everyone!

Rocker Roller Rican Documentary Put In Circulation At Wood County District Public Library Bowling Green Residents are now able to check out the DVD for a week at a time Rocker Roller Rican Premieres April 2014 Artwalk Festival, WBGU TV PBS May 2014 Premiere, Channel 56 New York City June 2014 Premiere and development as a 2015 book for A Gathering of The Tribes Fly By Night Press.
ROCKER ROLLER RICAN video on demand
Free preview and dropbbox download of ROCKER ROLLER RICAN
Tuesday June 17 and June 24, 2014
10:30 pm Lifestyle Channel 56
(TWC) Time Warner Cable
Rocker Roller Rican - A Nuyorican Adventure
El Extreme Luis Chaluisan
