Police Warn Bumper Stickers Could Reveal Too Much Information

Geo Beats

by Geo Beats

Police are warning people that the stickers they put on their cars could be providing criminals with too much information.

Police are warning people that the stickers they put on their cars could be providing criminals with too much information.

They’re mostly talking about the stick figure variety that represents one’s family.

Within the seemingly benign image, those wishing to do wrong can glean all sorts of information.

They can learn how large your family is, how old the kids are, what they like, and what the parents do for a living.

All those tiny bits of information can give thieves and other criminals an idea of the occupants’ activities and routines, including when they are not home.

"A soldier could mean dad's away, a football uniform [may suggest] your star athlete will be most likely at practice after school. Even your profession. A doctor could signify you have money
and a home worth hitting." [WHTM]

Child predators can also establish targets, particularly if the kids’ names are listed.

Said one officer, “Child predators will use the fact that they know your child's name. If they see your child at an event, they can approach them and trick the child into thinking they know them and their parents. And they can do abduction that way.”

It’s recommended that if the stickers must be displayed, keeping them generic is best.