Pistorius challenged in court over watermelon scene at firing range

  • 10 years ago
At his murder trial, Oscar Pistorius has been forced to look at a forensic photo of his dead girlfriend’s head after it was hit by one of the bullets he fired.

The prosecutor’s tough cross-examination also tried to portray the Olympic and Paralympic athlete as a hot-head who loved guns.

The court was played a TV video from Britain’s Sky News showing Pistorius at a shooting range, firing a handgun at a watermelon.

As it explodes upon impact, he is then heard saying “it’s a lot softer than brains. But (bleep) it’s like a zombie stopper.”

In court prosecutor Gerrie Nel seized on it.

“What we can see there is the effect the ammunition had on a watermelon. It exploded. Am I right?” Nel challenged the defendant.

“That’s correct,” Pistorius replied.

“You know that the same happened to Reeva’s head. It exploded, I’m going to show you,” Nel went on, before projecting the forensic photograph of Steenkamp’s head on the court monitors.

Steenkamp was hit by three of four hollow-point round
