• 11 anni fa
Eccoci ad un nuovo, interessante racconto di Padre Emidio Alessandrini.

Questa volta le sue parole ci conducono alla prima metà degli anni ’80 quando, di ritorno, di notte, in autostop, da una riunione spirituale svoltasi a Rimini, ha fatto un incontro decisamente particolare. Infatti, salito nell’auto di quella che, in apparenza, sembrava una tranquilla famiglia in viaggio (padre, madre e due bambini), ha dovuto repentinamente constatare che le cose non erano proprio come inizialmente gli erano sembrate.

Sedutosi sul sedile posteriore, accanto al bambino sotto i dieci anni, molto bello ma dallo sguardo di ghiaccio, Padre Emidio si è trovato catapultato nelle tragiche vicende che gli sono state narrate dai due affranti genitori...


Here we are again with a new and interesting story narrated by Father Emidio Alessandrini.

This time his words lead us to the first half of the ‘80s. He was hitch-hiking at night, coming back from a spiritual retreat held in Rimini (Italy), and had a very particular encounter. He got in the car of an apparently nice family that was going on a trip (father, mother and two children). Then, he suddenly had to change his mind because things weren’t exactly as they initially looked like.

He sat in the back seat, next to the child who was less than ten years old. He was a very cute boy but his eyes were cold as ice. Father Emidio was pitched into the tragic events which were narrated by the two distressed parents...
