Arjit Singh To Sing For Rajnikanth In Kochadaiiyaan

  • 10 years ago
After having lent his voice to the younger lot of Bollywood, Tum Hi Ho sensation Arjit Singh is now set to croon for our legendary Rajnikanth! Wondering if the duo has teamed up for a music video or any of that sorts? Well, no we are referring to Rajni's upcoming film Kochadaiiyaan that also stars Deepika Padukone in the leads! Yes! So coming to the buzz, Arjit has been signed to sing for a song titled Dilchaspiyan in the Hindi version of the film! Isn't that a plum deal? Having known that not many get a chance to croon for our ultimate Talaivaa Rajnikanth, and singing for this 60+ in the very start of his career itself gets him a tag of pride and honor! Don't you think so? Well, so on this commendable note, do tell us what do you think of this Arjit-Rajni association in the comments section below and for more updates, don't forget to subscribe to BollywoodUncut.
