How USA is a Corporation _ Still Owned By King Of England...

  • 10 years ago
Published on Jul 12, 2012

UFO Hypotheses - Aztec Chapter One (01 of 14)

Please Anyone Prove This Wrong !!!
How America is a Corporation & Owned By King Of England.
Controlled Colony own by The Heir of King of England ...Who Is Queen Elizabeth II.

Please Anyone Prove This Wrong !!!

The United States & Government & Military
Washington DC - 10 mile Land is a Private Corporation
The Federal Reserve
The League of Nations
IRS : Internal Revenue Service
NSA : National Security Agency
NASA : National Aeronautics and Space Administration
CFR : Council on Foreign Relations
IMF : International Monetary Fund
LIBOR : The London InterBank Offered Rate - Missing $10 Trillion
FDA : Food and Drug Administration
UN : United Nations who controls UNITED STATES MILITARY
FEMA : Federal Emergency Management Agency
JAIL : Private Industrial Prison System
BIG PHARMA - Controls the Whole Pharmaceutical Industry
BIG OIL - Controls All the Oil Flow in USA
BIG ENERGY - Controls All the Energy in USA
The School System - 1st Grade to last year in College
All Natural Resources & Fresh water lakes & Rivers
Homosexual & Children Sex Rings
Hoards Technology that will FREE The Planet.....WHERE IS ALL THIS MONEY