From the opening scene (where York plays banjo while staring longingly at a book titled “The Stalker’s Handbook”) to the end scene (she sits alone on a park bench) the video thoroughly entertains and amuses the audience. With line’s like “Three minutes have passed since I last called/ I’ll dial you again to just check in/ I know that you read my emails/ I checked your account and they were in the garbage bin,” you can tell that York’s got a great sense of humor — hopefully, because if not she’s an ex-boyfriend’s worst nightmare. While the majority of the lines are tongue-in-cheek, some may find unfortunate truth in the line, “If you try to cheat I’ll just let it go/It’s much better than being alone.” A credit to her songwriting ability, the song and video is both laugh-out-loud funny and thought-provoking. “I am so picky about my lyrics,” explains Sidney, “I usually like to have something on the surface, then something deeper you’ll find if you really listen to the lyrics.
Hailing from Calgary, Alberta Canada Sidney York, a stage name crafted by Brandi Sidoryk, is an accomplished classical musician and teacher. Her knowledge of music can be heard extensively on her self-titled EP Sidney York.
Hailing from Calgary, Alberta Canada Sidney York, a stage name crafted by Brandi Sidoryk, is an accomplished classical musician and teacher. Her knowledge of music can be heard extensively on her self-titled EP Sidney York.