57-Year-Old Man Crawls 2.5 Miles With Broken Leg

  • 10 years ago
A man from Maine didn’t have a phone when he broke his leg in a snowmobiling accident and had to crawl 2.5 miles at night in below freezing weather to get help.

While people use cell phones for many purposes these days, perhaps their most important use is to call for help in an emergency. Unfortunately, a man from Maine didn’t have a phone when he broke his leg in a snowmobiling accident and had to crawl 2.5 miles at night in below freezing weather to get help.

57-year-old Nicholas Brown visited his snowmobiling club’s clubhouse to drop off maps and membership applications. When returning, he lost control going around an icy corner and broke his leg in the crash.

According to Brown, “The sled went kind of broadside, and it was sliding sideways down the trail and I put my feet down thinking that (the sled) was going to flip over.” But as Brown overcorrected, the snowmobile came back into his leg.

For a mile and a half, he crawled downhill on his stomach using his elbows until reaching the road. He then used his hands and knees to crawl another mile to reach a friend’s house. The total journey to get help took about 6 hours.

Local law enforcement couldn’t believe Brown’s endurance to crawl that far in those conditions, and told him he was fortunate he hadn’t been bleeding from a puncture wound.