[Japan News] The rigged election : A civic exit polls clarified surprising truth.

  • 10 years ago
Metropolis: Suginami ward: former Wakasugi J.S.: Momoi Dai-san J.S.:
Tamayo Marukawa: 1,064,660: 47,879: 137: 110:
Natsuo Yamaguchi: 797,811(13%): 21,941(9%): 37(6%): 26(4%):
Yoshiko Kira: 703,901(13%): 30,845(13%): 85(13%): 83(12%):
Taro Yamamoto: 666,684: 37,892: 105: 128:
Keizo Takemi: 612,388: 25,886: 76: 67:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The border line ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kan Suzuki: 552,714:    26,885: 68: 102:
Jun Ogura: 413,637: 18,022: 25: 51:
Rowland Kirishima: 320,287: 14,724: 33: 31:
Masako Ogawara: 236,953: 12,290: 23: 34:
etc: 25,770: 9,375: 52: 67:

Tamayo Marukawa and Keizo Takemi are members of the LDP (ruling party).
Natsuo Yamaguchi is member of Komeito (ruling party).
Yoshiko Kira is a member of Japanese Communist Party.
Taro Yamamoto is a freelance.
Kan Suzuki is a member of Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ).

At the polling place of Momoi Dai-san Junior School
"What did you vote primarily?": 699 answered it as follows.
Anti-nuclear plant 288: The economy 67:
Anti-LDP 64: The constitution 53:
Welfare and safety net 12: Help for parenting 7:
TPP 12: Anti-DPJ 9:
Excise tax 8: Stability 8:
Revolution 5: Correcting the twisted parliament 5:
Keeping the twisted parliament 1:
Anti-LDP and DPJ 1:

(original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHGiqRpYgrU)


