Salman Madhuri Shahrukh Hrithiks Latest Bollywood Gossips Lehren Bulletin

  • 10 years ago
"Catch your daily dose of Bollywood gossip. ""LEHREN BULLETIN"" is here! - Episode 18

1. A Mumbai court postponed the hearing of Salman Khan's 2002 hit-and-run case till January 21. 2. Prateik Babbar's 'Rum Pum Poshsh' has been stalled due to financial crises. 3. Boman Irani claimed he and his son have done nothing wrong with regards to the QNet scam. 4. A fire broke out in the suburban building where final touches were being added to the music of ‘Gulaab Gang’. 5. Shahrukh Khan and Hrithik Rohsan have been approached to perform at a high profile wedding in North India on January 29. 6. Ameesha Patel Productions' first film Desi Magic is all set to release on May 23, this year. 7. Kapil’s remarks on pregnant women on his show have not gone down too well with some women activists. 8. Shah Rukh Khan will host the 20th Annual Life OK Screen Awards to be held here Jan 14. 9. Actor Abhay Deol, who recently turned producer with his Hindi film One By Two, is keen to get into Marathi films as well. 10. Actor Akshay Kumar is all set to work with Karan Johar in another movie.


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