#1 Kinesiology - High Performance Athletic Tape - Video Training PreLaunch

  • 10 years ago
Vara KT is a quality professional therapeutic tape that helps you play on when your body isn't up to it. It is used for pain relief and support to cope with lots of health issues. It stimulates improved circulation, speeds rehabilitation and protects against being injured. It has been demonstrated to offer beneficial alleviation of the following health issues: carpal tunnel, headache, hamstring strain, wrist pain, runner's knee, neck strain, calf strain, shoulder pain, achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, golfer's elbow, rib pain, shin splints, ankle sprain, gluteus pain, quad strain Vara KT continuous rolls can be customized for lots of different taping uses. The sports tape is very elastic and made to imitate the pliancy of skin & muscle. It is created with a high grade cotton for improved breathability and comfort. Vara KT Tape is quite simple to apply. It remains on for long periods of time. It is hypoallergenic & latex free made with a medical grade acrylic adhesive that is gentle on the skin. the adhesive is very durable and made for prolonged use. The kt tape is waterproof and will deliver support through even the most grueling workouts. Vara KT Tape is all-purpose and worn by everyone including world-class athletes, those undergoing medical treatment, and of course, for every day, normal, wear and tear. Vara KT Tape gives targeted pain relief of sore muscles and joints, remaining in place for days at a time. Delivers support without constraining comfort and range of motion. improves joint function and stability. encourages blood flow for swift rehabilitation. Vara Kinesiology Tape works by lifting the skin - creating convolutions and increasing interstitial space. Pressure and irritation are taken off the neural and sensory receptors, decreasing pain. Pressure is gradually taken off the lymphatic system, helping it to drain more easily. Vara Kinesio Tape can…
