Church Purchased With His Blood - Charleston, SC.(1)

  • 10 years ago If you’re looking for a church in Charleston, SC. that teaches and preaches the Word of God in its Entirety, you’ve come to the right place. The search is over! Church Purchased With His Blood is a ministry that's first committed to the teaching and preaching of the Message of the Cross, which is the true foundation and Corner Stone of Christ Church, that all may fully come to God's Saving Grace and the place of Spiritual maturity and boldness, being complete in the knowledge and power that's only found in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by His Grace; for Christ is the source of All Blessings and the Cross is the Means which God has chosen to pay the sin debt to Redeem mankind from the Eternal damnation of Hell, and to Bless the Believer with Every "Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places; such as, the Holy Spirit Abiding With in, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Prayer, Saving Grace, Divine Healing, The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit and more; "Because of Christ Sacrificial Death on Mount Calvary."

