Testimony Of Dying CIA Official 2013, About UFO's And The Extraterrestrial reality

  • 10 years ago
On March 5th, 2013 at an undisclosed location in the USA, a terminally ill former CIA Official is interviewed about what he says is too important for people not to know.

He was drafter into the military and got into the US army, after that and was send to the signal training center in the eastern United States back in 1958. He became the director for the CIA for the eastern United States of America. He began working on Project Blue Book while in the CIA. He says the CIA told the world UFOs were hoaxes, misidentification, weather balloons, or ramblings of psychological issues. Claims President Dwight D. Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51 with the First Army. Also claims the Roswell craft was a UFO. He also interviewed a Grey alien.
