"Seduction of Innocence" by Cheryl Shantz

  • 11 years ago
"Seduction of Innocence" is an original composition for full orchestra by composer Cheryl Shantz. This work depicts "innocence" in terms of our natural impulses and inclinations and how these fight in vain to survive against the outside forces of repression. Along these lines, the music strikes up a seductive dance between two incompatible partners. One is the underlying urge within us to remain alive and untainted. The other is the world of people enticing us with promises of safety and comfort but also sentencing us, in the poet Rainer Maria Rilke's words, "to die from unlived life." Society, or rather our relentless cultural brainwashing, is the most determined of all seducers, while innocence is the unique individual spirit, free and untainted. The seductive tone of the music suggests the endless temptations that compromise our humanity and entice us to the herd.
See the following website for a full list of Cheryl Shant'z original orchestral works: http://www.cherylshantz.blogspot.com/

To see a listing of folksong arrangements by Cheryl Shantz, visit the following website: http://cshantz.blogspot.com/ For a listing of her original song compositions, visit the following website: http://cmshantz.blogspot.com/
