What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain- By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

  • 11 years ago
Have you looked up into the chemtrail skies lately? These aerial sprayings are
slowly making people sick with their puffy white chemical soup. Neurosurgeon,
Dr. Russell Blaylock recently talked openly about chemtrails and what they are
doing to our health, but also how to detox them on this video.
Whether the pilots on huge C130’s know what they are doing, or are practicing
the see-no-evil, hear-no-evil tactics encouraged by our US military (commanded
by a corrupt government) they are dumping all kinds of chemicals on us at an
alarmingly increasing rate. (There are plenty of amazing service-people who
have even been whistle-blowers on chemtrails) .
It doesn’t matter if you believe chemtrails are a ‘conspiracy theory,’ though
even though the US government coined the term ‘chemtrails’ before any blogger
ever did; people will still get sick from their existence. Dr. Blaylock warns
we will see an increase in numerous diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia,
cancer, and upper-respiratory diseases just to name a few. But here is the good
news – according to this particular neurosurgeon, you can help your body detox
from some of the numerous chemicals in chemtrails (thorium, barium, mercury,
aluminum oxide, and strontium).

Here is the list of things you can do to reduce the inflammatory response that
is caused by some of these chemicals:

Tocopherols in Vitamin E will help reduce inflammation in your brain and
body, thus reducing the toxic effect of chemtrails. Almond milk is a great
source of naturally occurring Vitamin E, as is

Vitamin C, when added to Vitamin E, is a powerful protector of the brain,
according to Dr. Blaylock.

Curcumin binds with aluminum and helps to reduce its toxic effects, and
supports its elimination from the body.

Saffron is another great way to support brain health and detox these
chemicals. It is also full of cancer-fighting carotenoids. In some studies,
saffron has also shown to promote learning, memory and recall due to a compound
in the plant called ‘crocin’.

Flax seed has been shown to help reduce radiation poisoning and boost brain
power as well.

Cinnamon is full of antioxidants and can also reduce the inflammatory
response in the body.


