Senator Cruz Obama's 'Lawlessness' 'Dangerous And Terrifying'

  • 10 years ago
While speaking to the Texas Public Policy Foundation on Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said the "lawless" Obama administration's handling of its signature healthcare law is "dangerous and terrifying".
"Obamacare has single-handedly been an illustration in lawlessness at a breathtaking scale," Cruz told the group, citing the numerous exemptions and changes unilaterally made by the administration.
"There is a level at which all of this is ludicrous, but there is also a level at which all of this is dangerous and terrifying," he added.
"We are a nation of laws and not men," Cruz said. "If we had a system where a president can pick and choose what laws to follow at utter whim ... that is seriously dangerous."
Cruz also warned Democrats and their far-left allies that they may come to rue the day they allowed Obama to get away with ruling like a dictator, saying their "guy ain't gonna be there forever."
