Man Brandishes Sword at Restaurant Staff for Free Tacos

  • 11 years ago
Adam Kramer walked in a restaurant with a sword holstered to his waist and ordered half a dozen tacos. Kramer reportedly started sliding the sword in and out of the holster once he was told he had to pay for the food and then he got more aggressive.

While swords were indispensable during battles in the past, today they serve a different purpose.

A male in San Antonio is in some serious trouble after his use of a sword. Adam Kramer walked into an eating establishment with the weapon holstered to his waist and ordered half a dozen tacos.

It was only when the staff placed them down on the counter and told Kramer what he owed that things took a nasty turn. Kramer told a waitress that he was going to just take the food without handing over any money, but the worker told him he had to pay.

Kramer reportedly started sliding the sword in and out of the holster. At that time, the nervous waitress asked the cook to speak with Kramer, however walked out of the business when a phone rang. Kramer went to his vehicle but immediately walked back towards the restaurant carrying the sword.

The alert and terrified waitress locked the door. According to the court affidavit, Kramer was yelling that he “wanted his free tacos or somebody was going to die.”

He did leave the scene in a Black Toyota truck, but police were able to catch up with and arrest him the following day.