12 Years a Slave and American Hustle lead Golden Globe noms

  • 11 years ago

STORY: Slavery drama "12 Years a Slave" and 1970s con-artist caper "American Hustle" led the Golden Globe Awards nominations announced on Thursday (December 12) with seven nods each, fortifying their frontrunner positions ahead of the Oscars.

In the coveted best drama category, "12 Years a Slave" will compete against piracy tale "Captain Phillips", space thriller "Gravity", adoption drama "Philomena" and race-car rivalry "Rush".

"American Hustle" was nominated for best comedy or musical, alongside computer-age romance "Her", folk singer tale "Inside Llewyn Davis", heartland ode "Nebraska" and financial tale "The Wolf of Wall Street".

"12 Years a Slave", a real-life story about a free black man sold into slavery, has been a top contender for awards since winning at the Toronto International Film Festival. On Wednesday (December 11), it won the most nominations for acting awards from the Screen Actors Guild, with four nods.