VIP's arrive to view Mandela's body

  • 11 years ago
Dignitaries and celebrities arrived to view the coffin of Nelson Mandela as the lying-in state for the former South African president began at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Wednesday (December 11).

South African President Jacob Zuma was followed by Mandela's widow, Graca Machel, daughter Zindzi and various other family members and guests as they walked through the grounds of the building.

Former South African president F W de Klerk, who received the Nobel peace prize with Mandela for ending apartheid, was seen walking through the Union Buildings with his wife Elita.

Celebrities joined the politicians with U2 singer Bono walking through the grounds holding the hand of Mandela aide Zelda la Grange, followed by supermodel Naomi Campbell.

Mandela's body will lie in state for three days at the Union Buildings, where he was inaugurated as president in 1994 after the first all-race elections that ended decades of white-minority apartheid rule.

Mandela's deat