Tension in Independence Square in Ukraine capital Kyiv

  • 11 years ago
After night fell in the Ukranian capital Kyiv, there was a tense yet calm atmosphere between the protesters and authorities.

In Independence Square police remain out in force, but are not trying to disperse the demonstrators.

However, its reported barricades in other parts of the city are being pulled down by riot police.

Mustafa Nayem, one of the protest organisers, claims the authorities are reluctant to act with the eyes of the EU on them.

“What is really a problem for them is the presence of foreign politicians and foreign diplomats. If you would speak to anyone from the authorities they would tell you ‘ok maybe we’ll do something, we’ll use some police force but not now’.”

This is now the third week of the protests, which started when Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych ditched a trade deal with Europe in favour of more cooperation with Russia.

The camp in Independence Square, the nucleus of the protests, is taking on a more permanent appearance and demonstrators are showing few signs of backing down.
