Egypt protests begin with prayers, end in tear gas


by Reuters

A protests begin with prayers at Tahrir Square in Cairo -- the same site that launched a revolution against the government on January 25, 2011.

Now opponents of the current military rule are voicing their discontent

The protesters are mostly students from Cairo University who marched on Tahrir Square which has been closed off to supporters of ousted President Mohamed Mursi.

Some are here to support all those who have died in Egypt's conflict.


"I feel exactly the way I did on January 25th 2011 when we entered the square and right now I am demanding justice for the martyrs of January 25th, and all of the martyrs who have fallen under military rule. And God willing we will not leave from here until the military rule is brought down."

Scuffles broke out between the protesters and government supporters as a new constitution that reinforces the military's political power edged closer to approval.

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