Malala vows to continue to fight for the rights of children to be educated

  • 11 years ago

STORY: Malala Yousafzai, the teen who last year was shot in the head for defying the Taliban's views on women's right to education visited the World Bank on Friday, where she shared her dreams of a world where all children have access to education.

Malala, who was was one of the favorites to win the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, has since become a symbol of defiance against the influence of the Pakistani Taliban.

"Today we are just dreaming of a better world, of a better future. I am just dreaming now to see every girl going back to school, to see every boy not to be working at the workshops, not to be selling ice cream on the way, but going to school. I can see a better future, I dream and I believe that today's dreams become tomorrow's reality," Malala told an audience of largely teenage girls.

Malala has not returned to the Pakistani village where she was attacked, but says she misses it. She says mostly listened to Western mu
