Nia Kushal || Tu Hai Tou I'll Be Alright (A Tribute)

  • 11 years ago
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Hi guys! Been a while.. Finally here with my first VM on Nia and Kushal. Its been a long, long time since I made something like this so I have no idea if this is any good. Tried my best though.. This VM basically captures NiShal's friendship.. something which I find crazily adorable and beautiful at the same time. *touchwood* It captures whatever growth these two have undergone in the last two years from colleagues to being each other's family. What they share is incredibly rare for the Indian TV industry and hard to capture in a mere VM.. here's hoping they go a long, long way!

This VM goes out to all those who have ever liked, loved and appreciated my work... I feel that I have never really shown how deeply thankful I am to each and everyone of you for showing the love you have for whatever I do. Thank you so much for being so amazingly good to me! I know alot of people wanted me to make a VM on Nia and Kushal so I really, really hope you guys will like this. Its my first on them and it turned out to be harder than I thought it would be. :|

Thank you once again to all the people on TVC and India-Forums for your love and support and ofcourse to my subscribers and those who supported my page. I love you all!


